Agriculture in Pakistan
Crop Farming Households
$59.8B Contribution to GDP Source: Agriculture Report, Ministry of Finance Pakistan (2018)
Labor Force Deployed in Agriculture

Digital platform to provide a comprehensive eco-system that enables the farmer to improve livelihood through various integrated services available through a comprehensive partner network

Increase in yield

Integrated portfolio of services like expert advisory, agri mandi, logistics support, tailored financing and customer reach will help farmer increase his yield and thus his livelihood

Modernize farming to help avoid wasting

Latest advisory, access to precision farming machinery, machinery and equipment rentals will help farmers take advantage of latest techniques to increase their crop output and reduce wastage

Continuous farmers community engagement

Pakistan’s first social media engagement platform where farmers can share insights, techniques, advisory, tips and tools with anyone around the nation and the globe so that collectively all farmers can benefit

Easy access to Tailored financing

Tailored financial and insurance instruments to be offered to farmes based on their crop lifecyle, farm size hoding and other data insights so that the lender and the borrower may enjoy an optimal relationship at very affordable rates

Increase in GDP contibution

Increase in agri output has a direct correlation with gdp of the country and helps move the economic cycle of the nation whilst creating employment and helping the poorer segment of the socity move above the poveryt lines

Food security

Reducing wastage through access to timely advisory, machinery rentals and tailored financing helps enhance the food security and thus the national security of the country

Advisory, alerts and education

Platform will be used for providing remote education to the farming segement of the society, especially where secondary and higher education is difficult to access physically


Agriculture is a 71$bn annual market place. platform will give access to buyers and sellers to interact, trade and use beythaks’ logistic platform to transact at their doorstep. this will be a giant step in helping farmers achieve a fair price for their produce, inturn helping them with their yield and livelihood

How are we addressing the problem

Building the first engagement based integrated digital platform for Agriculture 4.0.

Chacha Jee

A character led Engagement model Capitalizing on the strength of a senior farmer and the community elder “Chacha” the engagement replicates the traditional communication style and norms to keep the farmers engaged.